Top 5 Tips To Stay Fit.

Choose to get up and get exercise because it makes you feel good. Exercise is about maintaining and improving your health.  My Top 5 tips to stay fit are....

1// Be motivated!
 Surround your self with motivated, positive and happy people, this is probably one of the best ways to stay motivated.

2// Set Goals.
Working towards and reaching goals is a true reward, set yourself a goal and stick to it.

3//Keep a diary.
 A dairy is a good way to track your progress. Write down all of the exercises you done that day and if you liked them or not, also add how you felt before and after your work out session.

4//Make exercise fun.
Convincing yourself to exercise is always the hardest part! Find ways to make exercise fun. Find a friend who is at a similar fitness level to you and enjoys doing the same exercises as you, that way you can socialise whilst exercising and it doesn't have to be a chore. listen to music when you are exercising or have a schedule.

5//Believe in yourself.
Everytime you complete a workout use that as proof that you can do anything you put your mind to. Make sure you don't compare yourself to others and only compete with yourself.

What are your tips to staying fit?

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